Friday, October 31, 2008
Al Gore Returns to. . . Florida
Al Gore returned to the scene of the crime that occurred eight years ago to campaign for Barack Obama:
"So, where were we?" That was the bit of humor former Vice President Al Gore delivered Friday in Florida, the state that dashed his White House dreams eight years ago after a confusing ballot, dimpled punch cards, hanging chads and a Supreme Court decision that stopped a 36-day recount. In the end, George W. Bush won the presidency by just 537 votes. "It's been a long eight years," Gore said as he took the stage to raucous applause from about 200 supporters.
Friday Nite Retro - GTR

GTR were notable for attempting to create a band with guitar and synthesiser sounds, but without the use of conventional keyboard synths, using guitar/synthesisers instead. Hackett and Howe's guitars were outfitted with Roland synthesiser trigger pickups, which used the vibrations of the strings to create MIDI signals used to play the synthesizers. While this may have worked in the studio, they were forced to take a keyboardist on the road because of the poor tracking qualities of the guitar synths.
"My Friends" - The Musical
Mr. Straight Talk himself stars in this musical inspired by his most favorite of phrases:
Labels: John McCain
The Ultimate Robocall REVEALED
Here is the Most Authentically Robotic Robcall of the 2008 Election Cycle so far. Professing to be a call from the Republican Party of Wisconsin, it actually sounds like a Dalek from Doctor Who, broadcasting from some abandoned numbers station from Sevastopol, Ukraine, and then once you listen to it you die within seven days like that movie with the girl with the wet hair who crawled out of our teevees and killed us with her horribleness, who I think was named Ashley Todd. Anyway, give a listen to it here for about thirty seconds or until such time as you feel the need to puncture your eardrums with a white-hot crochet-hook.
Should you survive this encounter, the Obama campaign has released this video warning: be on your guard from further ROBOT INCURSIONS!
Thursday, October 30, 2008
McCain in Defiance
. . .Um, as in the town. Not the emotional mode. Although I can see the ease in making that assumption.
John McCain appeared before a crowd of 6,000
I gotta say, as a parent, I'd be after the head of the supe of my school district if my kids had been "schooled into" a political event w/o my prior knowledge AND approval.
Labels: Defiance, John McCain, Ohio
Alec Baldwin Discusses "Bible Spice"
Alec Baldwin discusses the events leading up to his appearance on SNL with Sarah Palin:
"30 Rock" star Alec Baldwin talked to David Letterman about guesting on "Saturday Night Live" alongside Sarah Palin.
"She was lovely" and "very nice" he told Letterman. He also said he didn't want her hand on the nuclear button.
Then, imitating her voice (which he's done before), Baldwin said of Palin, "She said to me, 'I've been talking to your brother Stephen and we've been chatting, trying to figure out how to knock some sense into you.'"
Labels: Alec Baldwin, David Letterman, Sarah Palin, SNL
Estelle Reiner has Died at 94

Reiner is known by most people for her famous line "I'll have what she's having," after watching Meg Ryan fake an orgasm in the movie "When Harry Met Sally". That The 1989 film was directed by her son Rob:
Reiner had small roles in several other movies, including "The Man With Two Brains," which her husband directed, and "Fatso," directed by her friend, the late Anne Bancroft. Besides a handful of movie roles, Reiner was a painter and late in life became a jazz singer. During the Vietnam War, she was one of the organizers of the group Another Mother For Peace, something Rob Reiner has said helped inspire his own political activism.
Labels: Estelle Reiner, obits
Was John McCain a Traitor in Vietnam?
A number of Vietnam vets claim that this is the case. Some of them say he gave information on troop movements to the communists. Others claim that he was aware of live American soldiers left behind at the end of the conflict. Much of the information is classified and inaccessible. Some of their voices:
Labels: John McCain, Vietnam
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
New Haven Man Wins Big
Dean was married to an employee of mine back in the '90's. Best wishes to him on his newly found fortune:
Labels: Big Lots, Dean Wilcoxin, lottery, New Haven
Hasta la VISTA, baby!
Microsoft has introduced what it said would be a slimmer and more responsive version of its Windows operating system on Tuesday, while unceremoniously dropping the brand name Vista for the new product:
Obama Mocks Socialist Attacks: "I Shared My Toys"
"Now, because he knows that his economic theories don't work, he's been spending these last few days calling me every name in the book. Lately he's called me a socialist for wanting to roll-back the Bush tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans so we can finally give tax relief to the middle class. I don't know what's next. By the end of the week he'll be accusing me of being a secret communist because I shared my toys in kindergarten. I shared my peanut butter and jelly sandwich."
Olbermann: Sarah Palin Is A Socialist
In a Special Campaign Comment, Keith Olbermann cites yet another example of the McCain campaign accusing Barack Obama of something of which they themselves are guilty. In this case, Sarah Palin is accusing Barack Obama of advocating socialism when she literally used that word to describe the collective wealth sharing in her home state of Alaska.
Labels: Keith Olberman
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Ignorance and Intolerance in Allen County
I just finished reading a post by my friend, Sheri Rouse, in which she stated that she had come to doubt her own faith due to the actions of "so-called Christians" in this community as well as in her own place of worship. Sheri was rightfully disgusted by a letterboard sign posted in front of the Marantha Chapel in Harlan:

I think, nay I know, that Sheri will endure this test with her faith reaffirmed. She will fight back against those who profess faith but practice intolerance and division. It is her very nature to do so. After reading Sheri's post, I clicked over to the local Democratic Party website and found that Kevin Knuth had also picked up on this story. Kevin reports that after contacts and complaints were made, the sign has disappeared. While I'm glad to hear that piece of news, I can only assume that the true message of the sign still exists, albeit only in the heart and mind of the pastor that originally posted it's message of hate and intolerance on that signboard. Sleep well tonight, sir. If you can.
Labels: hypocrisy, intolerance
Rain is Drain for McCain - Obama Draws 9,000

Barack Obama spent part of Tuesday outside in the rain in Chester, PA, while John McCain postponed his outside rally in nearby Quakertown. Dressed in sneakers and jeans, the rain pouring down as he spoke, Obama addressed the 9,000 who turned out. ""Let me just begin by saying that a little bit of rain never hurt anybody."
Labels: Pennsylvania, rain, rallies
Six Election Day Wet Dreams for Democrats
Shamelessly borrowed from 23/

Taking Florida. There's no denying it. It's the one that got away. The one they should have had but it got ripped out of their hands. Winning Florida would be like finally getting a second chance with that woman you were impotent with, just to prove that it really was a fluke! For eight years Dems have been screaming "this kind of thing never happens to us" but no one's believed them. Not until now?
Having Florida and Ohio both. The twins! Very hot. But Ohio would really just be icing on the cake. If Dems get Florida, they wanna take their time with it. Really savor every minute of the win, give Florida their undivided attention, let it know what it's been missing all these years. But hey, no one's gonna kick Ohio out of bed for eating cookies.
Sneaking Away with Arizona. Winning Arizona is the ultimate "F You" fantasy. It's akin to winning the big game and going home with the other team's head cheerleader while their quarterback just has to stand there and watch.
Scoring big, "Reagan-Mondale" style. Except the Dems are Reagan. It's okay if this makes you feel uncomfortable because it's pretty much a rape fantasy. It's Democrats wanting to hold America down by the arms and just paint the whole thing blue. Some Democrats are creepy like that. Takes all kinds.
Karl Rove in handcuffs. There's an element of bondage to it, but Karl Rove getting arrested is actually one of the more popular elements to all types of Democratic wet dreams. He eventually just pops into the scenario wearing a pair of handcuffs. No matter what they're dreaming about, Karl Rove doing a perp walk usually ends up being the money shot.
Just plain old, missionary style 270. Look, when you've gone without for a long time, you don't need any big fancy scenarios to get off. For many Dems, they just wanna get to 270 electoral votes. Before they break out the leather and the whip cream, they really just wanna end their dry streak.
Labels: 23/6, election 2008
Obama Loved by Obama, Japan
The fishing village of Obama, Japan has it bad for Barack. The local 'Obama Girls' specialize in hula dancing to honor his birthplace. The town sells Obama chopsticks and Obama red bean cakes and 'Obamaburgers' made of fish. The streets are lined with Obama banners. Villagers gather to watch Obama campaign coverage on TV. Obama Girls backup dancer Saturo Wada "would like to dance with him, together" and hotel owner Seiji Fujihara, who has organized an Obama support group, plans "to visit the White House when the ceremony is held to inaugurate this President."
Monday, October 27, 2008
Obama Camp Continues Fox News Pushback
Obama campaign spokesman Bill Burton punches back at Fox News bimbo Megyn Kelly:
Mudcat Saunders for Obama
Mudcat Saunders discusses Barack's support for rural Americans in Virginia:
Labels: Mudcat Saunders, Virginia
Gambling's Go-To-Guy
The clean-election group Campaign Money Watch announced just now that a new ad going after McCain for his ties to the gambling industry, will be airing two battleground locales -- Lynchburg, Virginia and Tallahassee, Florida -- in addition to national cable:
Labels: McCain
You Tell Me
Welcome to Monday morning! Now that you've survived the weekend, caption this photo!

Labels: captions
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Yes, We CARVE!

Labels: jack-o-lanterns, Obama, pumpkin carving
To Catch a Thief
I was thinking about adding a pet door into our garage for our cat. I'm no longer thinking that way after viewing this:
Burst of Durst - Worst Campaign EVER!
Our intrepid correspondent spends 60 seconds questioning the motives of Mister Magoo as he stumbles through the wreckage of a Presidential campaign that happens to be his:
Labels: Will Durst
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Waaaasup! The Pro-Obama Version
Remember these guys?
Eight years have now passed, and they're back with a redux in support of Barack Obama:
Labels: Ad parodies
White Support for Obama at Historic Level

As I noted two days ago, the latest report by the Democratic firm Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research found that in 13 battleground states, rural voters — nine in 10 of whom are white — were split, with 46 percent backing Obama and 45 percent McCain. Obama holds solid leads in all of these states. In September these voters favored McCain by 10 points .
86% of white Democrats now support Obama, roughly equal to what John F. Kerry earned in 2004. Until the economic crisis began, that number had been in the 70s, on par with Michael Dukakis in 1988 and Clinton in 1992. Better than 80% of white working-class Democrats now back Obama, roughly a 20-percentage-point rise compared with the week before the Democratic convention.
Obama also splits white independents with McCain, with 46% backing each candidate, a performance unseen by a Democrat since Clinton in 1996. In the past week, Obama’s support has slightly waned with independent white working-class men, the largest group of independents. But he has gained with women in the same bloc.
Labels: Obama, polls, white vote
Friday, October 24, 2008
Obama on Good Morning America
Obama visited with Good Morning America prior to departing for Hawaii to visit his ailing grandmother:
Friday Nite Retro - Alan Parsons Project
Welcome to Friday Nite Retro!! Tonight we're featuring a popular British band from the late '70's through the '80's - The Alan Parsons Project. By the time that Alan Parsons met Eric Woolfson in the canteen of Abbey Road Studios back in the summer of 1974, Parsons had already acted as assistant engineer on The Beatles' Abbey Road and Let It Be, and had recently engineered Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon album. Woolfson, a songwriter and composer, was working as a session pianist and had composed material for a concept album idea based on the work of Edgar Allan Poe.
Woolfson agreed to manage Parsons' career as a producer and engineer through a string of successes including artists such as Pilot, John Miles, Al Stewart, Ambrosia and The Hollies. Parsons voiced frustration over having to accommodate the views of some of the artists, which he felt interfered with his production. Woolfson came up with the idea of making an album based on developments in the film business, where directors such as Alfred Hitchcock and Stanley Kubrick were the focal point of the film's promotion, rather than individual film stars. If the film business was becoming a director's medium, Woolfson felt the music business might well become a producer's medium. Using his "Poe" material and Parsons' skills, the Tales of Mystery and Imagination album was born. The first single was Raven:
1977's Eve was widely regarded as a mediocre album between 1977's I Robot and the Project's successes of the 1980's. Eve's focus is on a woman and her effect on men, and it is notable as the only Project album to feature female lead vocalists (Clare Torry and Lesley Duncan). Alan had worked with Clare on Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. The opening instrumental "Lucifer" and the poppy "Damned If I Do" were both minor hits.
1980's The Turn of a Friendly Card focused on gambling, and loosely tells the tale of a middle-aged man who grows restless and takes a chance by going to a casino and betting all he has, only to lose it all. It's also notable for Eric Woolfson's first lead vocal appearance, on Time.
1982's Eye in the Sky contained the Project's greatest hit, the title track, which had lead vocals by Eric Woolfson and hit #3 on the Billboard charts in the US and #6 in Canada. Says Parsons of the song, "...I hated the song when we first started recording it — I was quite ready to drop it altogether. Then we hit upon the hypnotic guitar chugs and it all came together."
Ammonia Avenue was the most commercially successful album for the band. The Phil Spector influenced million selling smash- "Don't Answer Me" is generally regarded as Ammonia Avenue's best song. The title of the album was inspired by Eric Woolfson's visit to Imperial Chemical Industries (ICI) in Billingham England, where the first thing he saw was a street with miles of pipes, no people, no trees and a sign that said 'Ammonia Avenue'. The album focused on the possible misunderstanding of industrial scientific developments from a public perspective and a lack of understanding of the public from a scientific perspective.
Grand Funk Railroad paved the way for Jefferson airplane, which cleared the way for Jefferson starship. The stage was now set for the Alan Parsons project, which I believe was some sort of hovercraft. - Homer Simpson
Drop by the official website for The Alan Parsons Project!
Labels: Alan Parsons Project, FNR
JOE McCain Abuses 911
This call came into Alexandria's 911 system on October 21 -
Operator: 911 state your emergency
Caller: It's not an emergency, but do you know why on one side at the damn drawbridge of 95 traffic is stopped for 15 minutes and yet traffic's coming the other way?
Operator: Sir, are you calling 911 to complain about traffic? (pause)
Caller: "(Expletive) you." (caller hangs up)
The complaint call about traffic on the Wilson Bridge forced the 911 dispatcher to call back. The voice mail on the other end, appears to belong to Joe McCain, brother of presidential candidate, John McCain.
"Hi this is Joe McCain. I can't take this message now because I'm involved in a very (inaudible) important political project. I hope on November 4th we have elected John."
"I think it's horrible. I can't believe somebody would tie up valuable resources to complain about traffic," said District resident Nancy Case.
"It seems stupid, my name can be tagged to this, why would I hose my brother, why would I do it," asked District resident Rob Case.
But that wasn't all. McCain apparently called 911 again to complain about the message the operator just left him, warning him such use of 911 is criminal.
Caller: Somebody gave me this riot act about the violation of police.
Operator: Did you just call 911 in reference to this?
Caller: Yeah.
Operator: 911 is to be used for emergencies only not just because you're sitting in traffic.
Will Ferrell Returns as Bush
Thursday's "Saturday Night Live" election special welcomed Will Ferrell back playing President Bush in the opening sketch, with Ferrell's Bush offering an unwanted endorsement for the McCain- Palin ticket:
Labels: SNL, Will Ferrell
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Move-On Moose Warns About Palin
A talking moose is the star of's new TV ad, which will run in Iowa today and Friday in Des Moines and Sioux City, where Palin is scheduled to hold rallies. The ad ran yesterday in Cincinnati, Cleveland and Dayton, where Palin was campaigning in Ohio.
Labels:, political ads, Sarah Palin
Obama Leads by Ten Points in Indiana
The latest Big Ten Battleground Poll shows Barack Obama holding double-digit leads over John McCain in eight crucial Midwest states, including a 10 point lead in Indiana:

The individual surveys of between 562 and 586 randomly selected registered voters and those likely to register to vote before the election in each of the states were conducted by phone with live interviewers from Oct. 19-22 and were co-directed by University of Wisconsin-Madison political scientists Charles Franklin and Ken Goldstein with the cooperation of colleagues from participating Big Ten universities. The polls each have a margin of error of 4.2 percentage points. The states included in the poll were Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Wisconsin, Iowa, Illinois and Minnesota, home to the 11 universities in the Big Ten conference.
Labels: barack obama, Big Ten Battleground Poll, Indiana
Palin's Progressive Fashion Statement
Why on earth is Sarah Palin wearing a Democratic Party keffiyeh, festooned with donkeys and the word "Vote?" Why won't McCain question her on her ties to radical leftist accessories?

Labels: faux pas, Sarah Palin
Economy Brings Back Layaway
A payment method that became decidedly passe in the 1980s is being promoted again this holiday season as a way for budget-conscious shoppers to buy gifts without breaking the bank:
Labels: economy
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
$150,000 Worth of Sexy
Here's a video that not only underscores the enormous amount of money spent by the RNC to "sex up" Sarah Palin, but also ties her to radical underground disco-terrorists Right Said Fred:
Labels: Right Said Fred, Sarah Palin
James Taylor for Obama
James Taylor wants to get Carolina on everyone's mind - by turning it blue. Visit today to get involved today:
Labels: James Taylor, North Carolina, Obama
Ellen Responds To Palin's Gay Marriage Stance
Sarah Palin told CBS that she wouldn't judge people based on their sexual preferences. However, just a few weeks later, she admitted that she nevertheless doesn't believe in marriage equality and voiced support for the Federal Marriage Amendment. Today, Ellen DeGeneres responded to Palins comments:
Labels: Ellen Degeneres, gay marriage, Sarah Palin
Al-Qaeda Supporters Endorse McCain
From SITE Intelligence Group:
Al-Qaida supporters suggested in a Web site message this week they would welcome a pre-election terror attack on the U.S. as a way to usher in a McCain presidency.
The message, posted Monday on the password-protected al-Hesbah Web site, said if al-Qaida wants to exhaust the United States militarily and economically, "impetuous" Republican presidential candidate Sen. John McCain is the better choice because he is more likely to continue the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Labels: Al-Quaida, election 2008, SITE Intelligence Group
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
"Ain't Funny - Vice President" - New Ad for Obama
The Jewish Alliance for Change is launching a series of three ads in swing states that use humor and celebrity narration to go after John McCain.
An ad titled "Ain't Funny -- Vice President" features old-time movie and TV stars such as Carl Reiner, Danny Devito, and Jerry Stiller riffing on topics ranging from the price of gas ("it costs more than the car") to health care and Sarah Palin.
The spots will air Florida, Ohio and Pennsylvania - states that have large swaths of elderly voters - according to a spokesperson for the organization. The group has bought time during the last week of the election on the major cable news networks
Labels: Jews, political ads
Why Indiana is Trending Blue in 2008
60% of Hoosier voters list the economy as their top issue, and Obama has a 59-34 lead with those folks:

Is it a bounce from the Chicago media market, friendly turf for a widely-known local politician? That market affects 1/5 of the state, not enough for such a dramatic shift. Is it "the black vote"? Black voters normally turn out for Democrats, and it's worth noting that Indiana is 86% white. No serious gains there, either.
A new report from Salon provides some insight into the demographics that really are affecting the presidential race in our state this year - suburban Republicans - "upscale moderate voters who might be attracted to John McCain for economic reasons but recoil because of the social conservatism symbolized by Palin's presence on the ticket".
Some further stats from Polling Point:
-Independents who answered our poll said they went 46-36 for Bush in 2004, now they say they're 49-39 for Obama. That's a 20 point swing.
-But Obama is also peeling off a lot more Republicans than John Kerry did. Bush won them 92-4, but McCain is only up 86-10 in his own party. That's a 12 point gain for Obama even with GOP'ers.
-Obama is leaking a lot fewer Democratic voters here than Kerry did. Kerry won them 73-17, but Obama is taking them 84-11. A 17 point gain there means that Obama is doing double digits better with Democrats, Republicans, and independents relative to 2004 Democratic performance.
-Obama has significantly increased the Democratic performance with urban voters, as the conventional wisdom suggests and you might expect. A 51-38 lead from 2004 is now a 63-32 one. What you might not hear about as much is the fact that is making strong inroads with rural and small town voters as well. Bush won rural voters by 32 points last time, now Obama has halved that and trails McCain by just 16. Bush dominated in the small towns, winning 53-35 last time. Now Obama has the race with those voters in the margin of error, down just 47-44.
Labels: Indiana, polls, suburbia, voting trends
Obama Opens Up 16 Point Lead
A new Pew Research Poll shows Barack Obama leading John McCain in double digits. The polls tracking reflects a steady increase in Obama's lead since mid September:

McCain Left On Campaign Bus Overnight
Campaign officials downplayed the incident, saying the senator was fine as soon as he was fed and taken to the bathroom.
Labels: John McCain, satire, The Onion
Monday, October 20, 2008
Joe Biden Dunk Tanks Julia Louis-Dreyfus On Ellen
Joe Biden, despite his long standing fight for women's issues, dunked Julia Louis-Dreyfuss on The Ellen Show today. Seriously, it was a benefit for breast cancer research and Joe added $10k to that fight with his winning pitch:
Labels: breast cancer research, Joe Biden, Julia Louis-Dreyfuss
Obama Leaving Campaign Trail to Attend to Grandmother

Obama last visited Hawaii in August, when he vacationed there after clinching the Democratic presidential nomination. At least two scheduled rallies have been cancelled, and Michelle Obama will sub for him at several others. Barring worst case scenarios, Barack will return to the campaign trail on Saturday.
You Tell Me
Mondane Morning once again, and time to amaze me with your best creative efforts as you caption this photo!

Labels: captions
Sunday, October 19, 2008
The Palin White House
Yes, ladies and gents, it IS interactive - just click on the screenshot below. One word of advice though. . .do NOT click on the red phone:

Labels: political humor
Oliver Stone's "P"
Colin Powell Endorses Barack Obama
Former Secretary of State Colin Powell endorsed Democrat Barack Obama for president Sunday, describing the Illinois senator as a "transformational figure."
Labels: Colin Powell, endorsements
Mark Wahlberg confronts Andy Samberg
Mark Wahlberg was not a fan of the "Saturday Night Live" sketch from October 4th called "Mark Wahlberg Talks To Animals". He was so not a fan that he threatened to break the nose of Andy Samberg who played Wahlberg as he talked to a dog, a goat, a chicken and a donkey. It's described on NBC's website as "Barky Bark and the Donkey Bunch." Sample dialogue, "Hey dog, what's up? I like your fur... say hey to your mother for me."
Last night, he appeared on the show to address his concerns with Samberg:
Labels: Andy Samberg, Mark Wahlberg, SNL
Saturday, October 18, 2008
100,000 in Saint Louis
Barack Obama hammered John McCain over his tax proposals before a crowd of 100,000 at a rally near the Gateway Arch in St. Louis today:

"John McCain is so out of touch with the struggles you are facing that he must be the first politician in history to call a tax cut for working people 'welfare,'" Obama said.
Labels: Missouri, Obama, Saint Louis, taxes
Friday, October 17, 2008
Chicago Tribune Endorses Barack Obama
First time in the newspaper's history that a Democrat has been endorsed:
However this election turns out, it will dramatically advance America's slow progress toward equality and inclusion. It took Abraham Lincoln's extraordinary courage in the Civil War to get us here. It took an epic battle to secure women the right to vote. It took the perseverance of the civil rights movement. Now we have an election in which we will choose the first African-American president . . . or the first female vice president. [...] On Nov. 4 we're going to elect a president to lead us through a perilous time and restore in us a common sense of national purpose.
The strongest candidate to do that is Sen. Barack Obama. The Tribune is proud to endorse him today for president of the United States.
Labels: Chicago Tribune, endorsements, Obama
Al Bundy Backs Obama

Labels: Al Bundy, Ed O'Neill
Friday Nite Retro - Slacker Edition
Welcome to FNR! I'm under the weather this evening, so. . .I'm going to post a few of my faves from the 90's instead of the usual biography:
Labels: Alice in Chains, FNR, Primitive Radio Gods, Spacehog, Sponge, Superdrag